

Online utilities


  1. Align at closing round bracket
  2. Align at colon
  3. Align at equals sign
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  1. Convert list to BBCode list
  2. Convert string to BBCode bold
  3. Convert string to BBCode code
  4. Convert string to BBCode quote
  5. Convert string to BBCode strikethrough
  6. Convert URL to BBCode image
  7. Convert URL to BBCode Instagram
  8. Convert URL to BBCode Twitter
  9. Convert URL to BBCode URL
  10. Convert URL to BBCode YouTube
  11. List of emoji BBCode inside CARI forum
  12. Simplify BBCode full linked from ImgBB
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  1. Camelcase the string
  2. Lowercase the whole string
  3. Uppercase the whole string
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  1. Black
  2. Convert rgb() function to hexadecimal CSS colour
  3. White
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  1. Compare list difference
  2. Compare text difference
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  1. Convert backslash to forward slash
  2. Convert dash to space
  3. Convert double quote to single quote
  4. Convert forward slash to backslash
  5. Convert rgb() function to hexadecimal CSS colour
  6. Convert s to sh
  7. Convert single quote to double quote
  8. Convert space to dash
  9. Convert string to JavaScript code
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Date and time

  1. Calculate the difference between two dates
  2. Show current astronomical position
  3. Show current date and time
  4. Show current date and time in full screen
  5. Show current datestamp
  6. Show current day of the month
  7. Show current day of the year
  8. Show current hour of the day
  9. Waktu solat Kajang
  10. Waktu solat Kuala Lumpur
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  1. Add s to each word
  2. Convert s to sh
  3. Encircle each character
  4. fafafififufufefefofo the string
  5. Kedah the string
  6. Melaka the string
  7. Perak the string
  8. Reverse each word
  9. Terengganu the string
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  1. Generate QR code
  2. Generate Whatsapp link to chat
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Many lines

  1. Align at closing round bracket
  2. Align at colon
  3. Align at equals sign
  4. Compare list difference
  5. Convert list to BBCode list
  6. Convert string to JavaScript code
  7. Remove duplicates
  8. Remove empty line
  9. Remove useless spaces
  10. Trim each line
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  1. Calculate percentage
  2. Generate a random number
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  1. Remove duplicates
  2. Remove empty line
  3. Remove useless spaces
  4. Remove utm parameter
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  1. Romanise Cyrillic alphabets
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  1. query
  2. video search
  3. website search
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  1. Analyse YouTube video ID
  2. Count how many characters
  3. Counter
  4. Repeat the string
  5. Show debug information
  6. Speak the text
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Waktu solat

  1. Waktu solat Kajang
  2. Waktu solat Kuala Lumpur
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  1. Analyse YouTube video ID
  2. Convert URL to BBCode YouTube
  3. video search
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🇲🇾 Malaysian calendars

  1. 🇲🇾 Malaysian calendar 2025
  2. 🇲🇾 Malaysian calendar 2024
  3. 🇲🇾 Malaysian calendar 2023
  4. 🇲🇾 Malaysian calendar 2022
  5. 🇲🇾 Malaysian calendar 2021
  6. 🇲🇾 Malaysian calendar 2020
  7. 🇲🇾 Malaysian calendar 2019
  8. 🇲🇾 Malaysian calendar 2018
  9. 🇲🇾 Malaysian calendar 2017
  10. 🇲🇾 Malaysian calendar 2016
  11. 🇲🇾 Malaysian calendar 2015
  12. 🇲🇾 Malaysian calendar 2014
  13. 🇲🇾 Malaysian calendar 2013
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Song books

Song book 1

YouTube playlist: song book 1

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Song book 2

YouTube playlist: song book 2

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Song book 3

YouTube playlist: song book 3

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  1. Contact
  2. Privacy Policy
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Bahasa Melayu

  1. Senarai nama surah dalam Al-Quran
  2. Ustaz Halim Hassan kelakar
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How to

  1. Canon printer G2010 maintenance
  2. OCR (Optical character recognition) tips
  3. Open Google Tasks in full screen
  4. Total notes in Google Keep
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  2. Cyrillic alphabets romanisation table
  3. Domino's Pizza Malaysia
  4. Important F-Droid apps
  5. Important software for Windows
  6. Memorable timestamp
  7. Percentage by alphabet
  8. Public holidays in Malaysia
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  1. Eye problem
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Web development reference

  1. Colour table
  2. Hindu-Arabic numerals variant
  3. Important web tools
  4. JavaScript notes
  5. Latin alphabet variant
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YouTube playlists


  1. Company analysis
  2. Film analysis
  3. Music analysis
  4. Musician analysis
  5. Video analysis
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Best song

  1. Best Chinese song
  2. Best English song
  3. Best film score
  4. Best Indian song
  5. Best Indonesian song
  6. Best Japanese song
  7. Best Malaysian song
  8. Best orchestra
  9. Best Russian song
  10. Best song (various languages)
  11. Top chart
  12. YM best song 1
  13. YM best song 2
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  1. Allan Perera
  2. Cat
  3. Funny
  4. Kumar comedian Singapore
  5. P. Ramlee
  6. Philomena Cunk
  7. Shin Chan
  8. SNL
  9. Wrong subtitle
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  1. About Malay/Melayu/Malaysia
  2. Conspiracy
  3. Film
  4. Interesting
  5. Mathematics
  6. Pokemon
  7. Programming
  8. t.A.T.u.
  9. The Flash
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  1. Automatically suddenly Ustaz Halim Hassan
  2. Dr. Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin
  3. Islam
  4. Maulana Muhammad Asri Yusoff
  5. Ustaz Dato' Badlishah Alauddin
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James Horner

  1. James Horner
  2. The Amazing Spider-Man piano
  3. Wolf Totem piano
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  1. memorisation
  2. music sheet
  3. piano roll
  4. Quran recitation
  5. Song book 1
  6. Song book 2
  7. Song book 3
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  1. Anugerah Juara Lagu AJL
  2. Deconstructed/stems
  3. Demo song
  4. Instrumental/minus one
  5. Major/minor
  6. Mashup/megamix
  7. Music cover
  8. Music lesson
  9. Samples
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  1. Old advertisement
  2. Old cartoon
  3. Old TV show
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The Amazing Spider-Man

  1. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 piano
  2. The Amazing Spider-Man piano
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